Elementary school providing helpers

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By JASON MORROW jmorrow@paducahsun.com

If it weren't for the 21st Century Community Learning Center at Heath Elementary School, Harold Tackett isn't sure what he would do with his two children.

Day care would be an enormous expense, and his son, Malachi, would be falling behind in school.

Tackett is a single parent who works until 6 p.m. every evening.

"There's no way I could get out of work and be at the school by 3:30 when they get out," he said.

The learning center is an after-school program offered by six McCracken County schools where students can do hands-on learning activities, take field trips and get help with their homework.

Site coordinator Lyndsey Birdsong said the objective of the program is to raise test scores and improve the health and wellness of students.

Each day gives students a chance to try different activities. One day, students may get to work with Legos, while archery may appeal to others on a different day. Students recently got to enjoy a trip to a skating rink.

Birdsong said the Heath program benefits 60-100 students every day.

"A lot of parents see us as a day care," Birdsong said. "That's one of the things we're trying to get away from and be seen as a learning center instead."

Tackett sees the best of both worlds. Since he works later in the day, his mind is at ease knowing his two children are in a safe place. And Malachi has shown a significant improvement in his grades since he started nine weeks ago.

"They're taking the time to help him, especially with spelling," Tackett said. "My kid's going from 60s on his spelling tests to 90s and 100s. They've taken a lot of time to make sure he succeeds."

The learning center is funded by a $500,000 grant from the state, which helps fund the program for five years. Heath Elementary is currently in its fourth year, and according to Birdsong, the school has been meeting the objective of raising test scores every year since the program started.

"This program is extremely successful because it's a way to make learning fun and interactive," Birdsong said. "When you make those connections with kids, they want to be successful."

Heath Elementary is one of six McCracken County schools that has the grant. The other schools are McCracken County High School, Heath Middle School, Reidland Middle School, Reidland Intermediate School and Hendron-Lone Oak Elementary. Calendars are sent out to students and families every month so they can sign up ahead of time.

Monique Zuber